
Bodyfuck: gestural brainfuck interpreter. "HI"

bodyfuck: gestural brainfuck interpreter. "HI" from nik hanselmann on Vimeo.

made in openFrameworks. bodily movement is translated into +,-,[,],. brainfuck commands.

I am making a loop that increases the second byte to 72 (H). the byte is then outputted. then the same byte is increased by one to be 73 (I).

being on the left or right shifts the byte pointer. jumping increases the byte, ducking decreases the byte, and waiting on the left or right starts or ends a loop. having arms outstretched puts a '.' which outputs the current byte. currently there isn't an input command (or a backspace!) but I'm working on it :) Clapping twice clears the buffer, clapping once executes the brainfuck script.

still in development!

Vía Zach.

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