
SketchSynth - A drawable OSC control panel

My final project for Golan Levin's Interactive Art and Computational Design class at CMU, Spring 2012.
Built with openFrameworks, ofxCv, OSC, and Pure Data.

More info: golancourses.net/2012spring/05/13/billy-keyes-final-project-sketchsynth/
Behind-the-scenes view: vimeo.com/42053693
Source code: github.com/bluekeyes/SketchSynth

Music: ioflow - mnml autmn

Thanks to Golan Levin, the CMU Art Department (Bob Kollar), and Nick Mazurek for lending me equipment for the project and the video. Also, thanks to Kyle McDonald for his excellent ofxCv addon, which makes it incredibly easy to work with OpenCV inside openFrameworks.

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